Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Elizabeth's Room Reveal

Well... I'm actually not quite done...but if I waited until I was "done" then you would never get to see it.  I am always coming up with new ideas and changing things up.  I blame this on my dad.  I was a military brat and we moved all the time... so now I can't stand for things to be the same for to long.  I love change :)

By the way... please forgive the terrible pictures.  It seems like anytime I think to take picture it is dark outside.

Here is her boring crib.  I was going to paint it red but Miss E decided that she was ready for a big girl bed, so we are now searching for one for CHEAP.  (I will let you know how that goes)

These are some shelves I got for $1 at a local thrift store.  The creepy doll on the bottom is Whitney.  I have had her since I was a baby- don't hate :)       
This is the mirror that went with Chase's dresser that he has had since he was in the 5th grade.  I gave it a little make-over and now it's in Miss E's room.

Close up of the wreath I made her.  The bunting is made from the same fabric I am making her quilt out of.

Another wreath close-up

Don't know why this picture's color looks so weird... but it's 1 am and I don't want to go back and change it.

Miss E in her reading nook.  May-may got her that chair and she LOVES it.

This is what her room usually looks like :)


  1. Very nice. As far as a toddle bed, we found a red elmo one at a local consignment shop for $30. I just removed the elmo stickers and plan to mod podge it to match it to his room. Good luck.
    ~Amanda, creatingamongstboys.blogspot.com

  2. Saw you on link party, now google following you, Karima x www.karimascrafts.com

  3. This is adorable!! Saw you on a link party! Thanks for sharing!
    and congrats on the new baby :) and Miss E is a cutie!

