Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Overwhelmed is my Middle Name...

I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel... we are closing on our house in 8 days! It feels so weird to say "our house"... it still doesn't feel real yet!

My awesome parents and siblings are coming down to help us move the day after closing... which is wonderful, because at 37 weeks pregnant... I will be useless :) Come to think of it, I was extremely pregnant last time we moved. People are going to start thinking I get knocked up just to get out of heavy lifting.

Then my wonderful MIL has volunteered to come down and help me get everything set up... because on May 17th I am scheduled for a c-section...unless Miss Alice decides to come sooner. I wonder if that will give us enough time to paint Miss E and Miss A's rooms? I highly doubt it... but the girls' rooms are at the top of my to-do list. I've already bought some to-die-for fabric for quilts for them, and picked out paint colors :)

This is the fabric I have picked out for Miss A's room... I want to paint the walls a pale green

And this is some of the fabric for Miss E's room... her walls are going to be a robin's egg blue/aqua color.

I can't wait to get past all of the legal/moving/hospital part of all this so we can get to the fun part :)


  1. Your mind has GOT to be a whirlwind!!! I cannot imagine! Yet you two always seem to do well under pressure. I'm getting so AMPED up!!! I still can't believe it's HERE!!! New House! New Baby!!! and SUMMERTIME!!! Life is grand....oh, and look at what time you posted this...12:11...wink wink.

  2. Wow girl, you have got a lot on your plate!! We always seemed to move while I was pregnant or right after the babe came. Not much help either way. I can't wait to see your quilts and such.!!

    Kadie @ Seven Alive

  3. P.S. I am glad you found my blog and liked the printable!!

    Kadie @ Seven Alive
