Friday, June 3, 2011

She's here!!

Well... she's actually been here for a little while... I am just terrible about blogging. But at least this time I have a reason... it's kind of hard to get time to blog when you have a newborn :)

She was born May 5th at 9:01pm and weighed 8lbs 5oz and was 20in long.

I actually started having contractions a few days before... but they never would come at regular intervals.  On the morning of the 5th they still weren't regular but they were hurting A LOT so I finally gave in and went to the doctor.  I was only dilated 2cm but they said I was in labor.  They let me stay because I live an hour away from the hospital.  Everything went so well.  They were ready to do the c-section right then but we asked them if they could wait until Chase's parents arrived so they could watch Elizabeth so he could be with me.  While we were waiting another lady in labor needed an emergency c-section so it ended up taking long enough that my parents were able to make it to the hospital (from greenville, sc) right as they were doing the c-section.  I didn't get to see them before hand but they got to see Alice when Chase brought her out. 

Compared to the hell I went though with Elizabeth's birth this was a breeze!  I just kept waiting for something to go wrong but it was wonderful!

And here she is..... Miss Alice Belle (5 days) !

Isn't it amazing what a good bath will do?!


  1. Such a sweet lil story!!! Thank you for my BEAUTIFUL Granddaughters!!! I can't wait to see Elizabeth playing with Alice Belle!!! I am so FULL OF JOY, corny happy music plays when I walk. I love you!

    Pamalia aka May-May

  2. What a beautiful family you and Chase are making...little blessings from God, who loves them even more than ya'll do...can you even imagine that? What sweet, sweet little ones you have, they are both ADORABLE!!! Thanks for sharing your stories and photos with us all!
    Julie and Billy Phillips
