Monday, June 6, 2011

Preview of Elizabeth's room

I am now going on hour 4 of trying to get Alice to go to bed.  I thought we finally had it about an hour ago... she was almost out...I gave her to daddy to rock while I took a bath, but when I came back this is what I saw:

I'm pretty sure he made her a latte while I was in the tub

So that's my excuse for not having more of Elizabeth's room done.  We are hoping to get it done before we go get her (she has been staying in Greenville with Nanna and Poppi) but I don't know if that is going to happen.  When we do get it done (hopefully before she moves out) I will post a ton of pictures.  In the mean time here is a sneak peak...

1 comment:

  1. HA!! I love it!!! Cannot wait to see Miss E.'s room! Preliminary looks so sweet!!!
